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Sunday 11 August 2013

The Best Diet for Hypertension Patients

An appropriate hypertension diet plan can help you—and your heart—live longer, healthier, and better! Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a heart disease that affects over one-third of Americans. Caused by poor exercise habits, poor eating habits, and genetics, hypertension is defined as the pressure of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood. If the pressure is too high, it can lead to stroke, heart disease, heart attacks, and more.

Hypertension Diet Plan

Although prescription medication is one option when one has hypertension, one can also reduce their blood pressure level by an appropriate hypertension diet plan. If you have severe hypertension, a good diet can help your body’s response to medication.
It developing your own hypertension diet plan, it is important to first discuss diet changes and your hypertension with your doctor.
A hypertension diet plan should focus on increased servings of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lowered fat, sweets, and sodium intake.
A great place to start in figuring out a hypertension diet plan is the DASH diet plan. DASH stands for “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.” The plan has been scientifically proven to lower hypertension levels, cholesterol, and reduce risk of heart disease. DASH has been voted the #1 healthiest diet plan by U.S. News & World Reports, and is endorsed by medical and health organizations such as the American Heart Association and the Mayo Clinic.
Tips on Healthy Eating

Adjusting to any hypertension meal plan will be most likely be difficult at first. According to the DASH website, Americans eat only two to three servings of fruits and vegetables—combined!
Here are some tips to help you get started on your hypertension diet plan:
  • When grocery shopping, buy “low-fat” and “fat-free.” This especially applies to dairy products like cheese, milk, and yogurt.
  • Buy low and reduced sodium foods when possible.
  • Try eating fruits and vegetables plain without butter or sauces.
  • Buy whole-grain bread, pasta, cereal, etc. instead of “white”
  • Increase your fish intake
  • Purchase skinless and lean meats
  • Stop using salt. Americans get more than enough sodium as it is without adding more!
  • Use egg whites instead of a whole egg when baking.
  • Eat fruit for dessert!
Try to get your family or friends involved in on the diet plan as well, so that you will be supported by your loved ones. Not only will you lower your hypertension, possibly lose weight, and be a healthier you, but you can also discover new foods and recipes!
Whenever taking on a diet plan, be sure to discuss it with your doctor or nutritionist first. All sorts of diets are most successful when exercise is included in your life as well!

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